Thomas W. Christopher Consulting in High Performance Computing.
Training in Concurrency, Networking, and Parallelism, especially in Python and Java.




A "crapplet" is a Java Applet of no particular use, except perhaps to be flashy.


Drawing & filling a polygon Here I draw a polygon and then overwrite the previous in XOR mode. I get problems in all the web browsers when I move this window. Since the browser does not copy the pixels already drawn, the XOR that is supposed to overwrite and delete the previous drawing instead draws a new figure that is not erased. The interactions of rotating polygon and the static one produces the interesting pattern. Here again I draw a polygon and then overwrite the previous in XOR mode, but here I'm drawing into a background image and drawing the image to the screen. Using a background image removes flicker and the wierdness seen in the previous images.

Moving Sign

Bouncing ball Fractal Leaf